
Showing posts from December, 2018

My Winter Break Plans

Hey, guys. It's finals week here at South, meaning that we are almost at the end of the semester! Classes have already ended so the last thing to do is take finals and I am free!!! Today I'm just going to talk about a few of my plans for winter break. 1. EAT I live on campus, so most of the time I don't cook my own food. I miss home cooking so much and I can't wait to eat good food. 2. Work I work at Gap in my hometown during breaks, so I will be working there over winter break to earn some extra cash. 3. Spend time with family and friends. Once we graduated high school, everybody went to different colleges so I hope to see some of my friends and hang out with them over the break. It's also fun to spend time with my family because we just like to sit around and laugh all the time. 4. Relax College can get you really stressed so I am going to take this break to completely relax my mind and mentally prepare myself for the Spring semester. Thanks for reading ...

My Life as a Radiologic Sciences student at South Alabama

Hey, guys. I am back with another blog to talk about my major. The technical term for my major is Radiologic Sciences which is Radiology. I am currently a sophomore so I am not yet in the program, but I will apply next semester to get in. Here are 5 things about my program: 1. There are summer semesters in this program. Mostly, clinicals are done during the summer. 2. There are 3 tracks to follow, in terms of specialty. Track 1- X-ray plus another modality of choice, excluding ultrasound and radiation therapy Track 2- Ultrasound only Track 3- Radiation therapy only 3. I will graduate as a registered Radiographer. 4. There aren't many seats for each modality so it is very competitive. 5. We have some radiography equipment in the classrooms to practice with. If you have any questions, just let me know. Thanks for reading!