Getting Prepared

College is much different than high school. When I was coming in to South, I thought I knew exactly what to expect; I was wrong. So here are 5 tips to help you to be better prepared for the transition from high school/community college to college.
1. Learn how to manage your time well, if you don't already know. In college, there are many times that you'll have more free time than you know what to do with. If you have a few hours between classes and you have homework due, go ahead and do it. Try not to waste extra time during the week, because everything that you push off, you'll have to do on the weekend.
2. Adjust your study habits. I know there are many people that didn't have to study for any tests in high school; that won't always be the case in college so perfect your study habits to actually learn and not just memorize.
3. Research some organizations to join. Schoolwork is very important and the real reason why we're all here, but it is also important to be involved on campus. It makes your experience so much better! I have gotten the opportunity to network with so many people through the organizations I have been in.
4. Reach out to other people that are coming to South or are already here. It is so much easier to adjust when you have a friendly face nearby. It also helps if you have someone to go for questions or just to hang out.
5. Think about how you'll leave your mark. By leave your mark, I mean change a life, even if it's your own. Make a difference in the world. Whatever you can do to make the world a better place, do it.
If you keep these few steps in mind, you will be well on your way!


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