Five Facts About Me

Hey, guys and gals. I'm back with another blog to let you guys know some interesting things about myself that many people probably don't know about me.

1. I'm an only child. This isn't necessarily rare, but most of the people I know have siblings, so I think it's significant.
2. I skipped kindergarten. I went to a private school at the time and my teacher said that I was completing the work so fast and moved me up to the first grade. If I wouldn't have been moved up, my whole life would probably be way different than it is now.
3. I can play the trombone. I played the trombone in middle school and high school, so 7 years in total, but I haven't played it in a few years.
4. The city I am from has a National Peanut Festival. This event is basically a fair, but there are large tubs of peanuts at every corner. Side note: we also have peanut statues all around the city, because apparently Dothan is the peanut capital of the world.
5. I actually picked my major by accident. I originally wanted to be in physical therapy, but I didn't see it listed in the majors, so I picked my current major, Radiologic Sciences. I decided to find out more about it and it turns out that I love radiology, so maybe it was destiny.

Feel free to ask me any questions about South or just in general. :)

Until next time,



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