My Jagtastic Week

Hey, y'all. Today, I'm going to talk about my typical week as a Jag. No week is the same for me. Although my classes are routine, my extracurricular activities are not. Outside of the usual(classes), I have many other things that take place during my week. I'm involved with many organizations here at South and some of them have meetings that I attend bi-weekly, such as Black Student Union, Jaguar Productions, and Abenefoo Kuo Honor Society. I also do some volunteer work in my free time. Normally, I go to things that appear in the Daily Digest(our nightly email announcements), or through an organization that I am affiliated with. One thing I love about South is the variety of activities we have here. There is ALWAYS something to do so when I see something interesting going on, I try to incorporate that into my week. For example, there is a Trap'N'Paint occurring next week, which is basically a play on a Sip'N'Paint. Since we can't sip, we play music instead. I like to do these things to kind of get my mind off of classwork. Sometimes when I have a little extra time between classes, I'll walk instead of taking the JagTran to look at the beautiful scenery we have here. My weeks can get hectic, but I enjoy every minute of them!


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